I get asked all the time about my spelling notebooks and how they are set up, SO….
I decided to put together this blog post, with helpful FREEBIES that will guide you through setting up and improving your spelling notebooks!
SMART TIP: Teach a mini lesson to your class about the purpose and value of spelling notebooks so that they can understand why notebooks are so valuable. I've included a detailed lesson for FREE if you choose to download the free printables for extra support.
SMART TIP: You only need a one subject notebook for each student. That should last all year.SMART TIP: When you head out to purchase your tabs, be sure to grab the Post-It Durable Tabs. They will stick all year!
SMART TIP: Have students copy the weekly spelling mini lesson and the class list of words generated into their notebooks each Monday. They can choose most of their own spelling words for the week from this list!SMART TIP: You can fit two lessons on one page, and all the spelling learning can be used week after week.
SMART TIP: In this section students make ongoing lists of words they still need to learn and can add to future spelling lists.SMART TIP: Students add words to the ‘spelling words' section that they get incorrect on spelling tests each week.
SMART TIP: Students integrate writing into spelling by adding words they commonly misspell in writing into the ‘words from writing' section. These words can be added to any weekly test.
SMART TIP: Students integrate reading into spelling by adding words to the ‘words I like' section that they find interesting and wants to learn to spell.
SMART TIP: Have students take their practice tests in their spelling notebooks so they can keep track of all the words and patterns they are learning.
SMART TIP: Have students take their weekly tests in their spelling notebooks so they can keep track of all the words and patterns they are learning.SMART TIP: Have students take the spelling test twice. Cut the page in half, glue one into the notebook and send one home so parents can see the weekly spelling test grade.
SMART TIP: Extend students' learning beyond a weekly list of words to memorize. Help them think beyond the week and it's list of isolated word by completing this organizer each week and gluing it into their spelling notebooks.SMART TIP: You can download this organizer, the spelling list page, a spelling checklist to get started with notebooks, and more by clicking the download banner below!I hope you enjoy your spelling notebooks!!
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