This spring, why not make your language arts classroom fun and engaging for your students? This week's blog post is going to highlight some products you can use with your class.
Spring Reading Comprehension Passages
The first product I want to focus on is our newest product. Just released, this reading resource has Lexile-Leveled stories that are highly engaging to older students. The passages help students to practice reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing responses. Data tracking is available to help teachers.

Growth Mindset Reader's Theater for the Spring
Reader's Theater is a great way for students to work together. These scripted stories encourage a growth mindset while learning about spring topics. Students will work on building fluency. There are discussion questions that help them to reflect on their thinking. These stories are highly engaging and students beg to do more. You can purchase a bundle of all 4 seasons to add to your resources.
Grammar Games Silly Stories for Spring
Do you need a fun way for students to practice their grammar skills? These silly stories are perfect for you. Remember the old Madlibs stories? Students practice placing silly words into a story and reading them out loud. Let the hilarity ensue. For nonstop laughter, you may want to choose the Spring Grammar Games or the Baseball Grammar Games. Either one will be a hit with your class.

Grammar Interactive Edits for April
If you've never tried interactive edits before, you might want to try them this month. Rather than focusing on what is wrong in a sentence, students take note of what is right in a sentence. They record their noticings down. This can be done as a whole class lesson and then students can work on them independently.

Spring Activities Reading Freebie
This reading resource is a fun way to get students to respond to their reading. With these cards, students will pull out the most important parts of their reading and write about them. They will “tweet” about their reading and tell you what the “buzz” is about. Enjoy downloading this freebie to use today with your class.
For more ways to use this resource, check out this blog post.